About the US office of “Gates To Israel” (GTI Tourism USA Inc.)
About the US office of “Gates To Israel” (GTI Tourism USA Inc.)
At the beginning of 2018 we expanded our activities and opened branches in the US to accommodate our many clients.
The branch office will take care of registration and payments and any inquiry clients in the US might have regarding the tours they registered to. Currently, we have 2 branches, in Arkansas and in Atlanta:

At the beginning of 2018 we expanded our activities and opened branches in the US to accommodate our many clients.
The branch office will take care of registration and payments and any inquiry clients in the US might have regarding the tours they registered to. Currently, we have 2 branches, in Arkansas and in Atlanta:

Arkansas office manager: Lindsey Senor
Phone number: (616) 953-6020
Email: usoffice@gatestoisrael.com
Mail box address:
GTI Tourism USA Inc
1818 N Taylor St
# 416
Little Rock AR 72207
Office hours:
(central time) – anytime via text message:
Sunday 11am-5pm
Monday 8am-6pm
Tuesday 8am-6pm
Atlanta office manager: Sabine Graf
Phone number: (678) 815-3335
Email: usoffice_atlanta@gatestoisrael.com
Office address:
GTI Tourism USA Inc
PO Box 1392
Powder Springs GA 30127
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 8am-5pm (central time)
For inquiries about future trips to Israel, itineraries and travelling options, please contact the Israeli head office at any time:
Office manager: Gloria Pais
Phone: +972 777012012
Mobile Phone: +972 (54) 6787997
Email: info@gatestoisrael.com
Mail address:
GTI Tourism Ltd.
18/5 Ha’Knesset Hagdola st.
Tel Aviv, Israel 6291756
Arkansas office manager: Lindsey Senor
Phone number: (616) 953-6020
Email: usoffice@gatestoisrael.com
Mail box address:
GTI Tourism USA Inc
1818 N Taylor St
# 416
Little Rock AR 72207
Office hours:
(central time) – anytime via text message:
Sunday 11am-5pm
Monday 8am-6pm
Tuesday 8am-6pm
Atlanta office manager: Sabine Graf
Phone number: (678) 815-3335
Email: usoffice_atlanta@gatestoisrael.com
Office address:
GTI Tourism USA Inc
PO Box 1392
Powder Springs GA 30127
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 8am-5pm (central time)
For inquiries about future trips to Israel, itineraries and travelling options, please contact the Israeli head office at any time:
Office manager: Gloria Pais
Phone: +972 777012012
Mobile Phone: +972 (54) 6787997
Email: info@gatestoisrael.com
Mail address:
GTI Tourism Ltd.
18/5 Ha’Knesset Hagdola st.
Tel Aviv, Israel 6291756